"The time and effort you have invested in our estate and we wouldn’t hesitate to recommend you."

"The time and effort you have invested in our estate and we wouldn’t hesitate to recommend you."

Just thought I’d let you know how much the Directors and the local residents have appreciated the work and effort that has gone in to our estate since you have come on board to manage the day to day running of the estate for us.

Since Block Management UK Ltd has been onsite we have noticed a change in just how clean and orderly the estate has become. Under the old estate management company, the estate had begun to go in to decline with rubbish not being cleared away, fly tipping was starting to become an issue, residents felt they weren’t getting value for money etc. But with Block Management UK Ltd now active on the estate the difference is night and day!

People have noticed how clean and tidy the estate has become and I’ve not heard any grumblings from anyone in a very long time around being ripped off like we used to hear with the previous estate managers.

Both Paul Davis and I would like to thank Block Management UK Ltd for the time and effort you have invested in our estate and we wouldn’t hesitate to recommend you to other estates as their estate managers.


- Scott Boswell – 97 Units, Huntingdon.

(15 March 2023 )

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