Property Developers: hiring concierge and other staff for estate management

Building a strong, early relationship between developer and managing agent means important decisions can be made in the design stage – including which staff to hire.

When a development is being planned, it is common to see a number of 'nice to have' items moved to the 'must have column'.

This can result in considerable additional costs and, potentially, an unreasonable service charge level.

Block Management UK can assist with these decisions, anticipating issues around service charges for residents.

For example, when it comes to adding concierge staff to a development, developers not only need to consider the type of staff they will need – whether it is security, caretaking or support staff – but also their pay, hours, equipment and uniform.

Will these members of staff operate the CCTV system? Will they need to be Security Industry Registered (SIR) or DBS checked? Are there TUPE guidelines in place?

Will the staff be employed by the managing agent, or a Resident Management Company?

Block Management UK can help you make these big decisions, creating a bespoke team perfect for managing your development.

Developing an early, strong relationship with your managing agent has huge benefits for a developer in the long run, ensuring you are well informed when making big decisions before the keys are handed over.

With a trusted managing agent in your corner from the beginning, you can rest assured your development will be well managed and within budget.

After the development is completed, we can also assist with handing over homes to customers, ensuring the transitional phase goes smoothly.

To receive a quote on our management fees for your next development, complete our online form here.

(16 May 2023 )

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